This partnership is the equivalent of "360 Club". It establishes long term relations and gives you a priority to purchase tickets for the LuxembourgOfficial TOP150 in November.
4 full page ads or...
2 photoshoots
2 Interviews
2 translations
2 page articles in Andy (X2)
2 page articles in Duke (X2)
2 articles in LuxembourgOfficial.com
4 digital push on Linkedin (29k connections)
4 digital push in our newsletter (120k emails)
1 chapter in the book "Decision Makers 2023"
10 tickets for the LuxembourgOfficial TOP150 with a 50€ discount on each ticket
2 videos in our studio (worth 3.000€)
Price: 1,8k€/month (or 22k€/ year excluding taxes instead of 28,8k€ (you save 6,7k)
The SERENITY PACKAGE offers a great price/impact ratio. It delivers guaranteed visibility and optimizes your SEO/Marketing/HR need.
2 full page ads or...
1 photoshoot, 1 interview, 1 translation
2 page articles in Andy and 2 page articles in Duke
1 article in LuxembourgOfficial.com
2 digital pushed on Linkedin (29k connections)
2 digital push in our newsletter (120k emails)
1 masterclass boost your growth in Linkedin or public speaking
1 ticket for the LuxembourgOfficial TOP150
1 press release
2 video in our studio
Price: 1.45k€/month (or 17.4k€/ year excluding taxes instead of 21.7k€ (you save 4.3k))
If your company is a start-up or an SME with reasonable needs, we offer the ESSENTIAL PACKAGE, focusing on digital distribution
1 photoshoot, 1 interview, 1 translation
1 article in LuxembourgOfficial.com
1 digital pushed on Linkedin (29k connections)
1 digital push in our newsletter (120k emails)
1 masterclass boost your growth in Linkedin
1 press release
2 video in our studio
Price: 0.92k€/month (or 11k€/ year excluding taxes instead of 12k€ (you save 1k))