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16th anniversary


Decision Makers


Empowering Decision Makers
with high impact messages

The book is distributed:

- by mailing sent directly to 3000 top decision makers

- during the CEO Summer Cocktail

- during the LuxembourgOfficialTOP150 award 

- during conferences and events 

Print: 4.500 copies 

Digital visits: 304.000 Unique visitors: 271.500

Downloads: 35.200


360Crossmedia distribution
We combine the power of Print, high impact layout and a database of more than 120.000 decision makers of the Funds & PE/RE industry.





Decision Makers

304 000

Total visits

Advertising Policy

We only accept high quality ads.

Example of an advertising page for HUBLOT



Technical elements:



Cover: 300g

Inside pages: 150g


Deadline to submit content: 20 days prior to printing


Send by email (max 15MB):

For document larger than 15 MB you can use: wetransfer or Dropbox

Accepted files:

Indesign - Photoshop - Illustrator - Acrobat


PDF, TIFF and EPS: High resolution - 300 dpi, print quality CMJN


Page format:

130 x 200mm + 5mm bleed



Saves images:

TIFF / EPS Mac 8 bits in CMNJ



Texts submitted: 

2 300 characters (450 words) with 3 titled paragraphs



Ads specifications: 13cm x 20cm + 5mm


360Crossmedia's Style

  1. Stunning features on luxurious choice of paper and layout.

  2. Short texts of high quality (2300 characters or 450 words) to give our busy readers an enjoyable reading experience.

  3. Beautiful illustrations and photos


Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 12.10.04.jpeg
Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 12.09.50.jpeg


Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 12.07.59.jpeg

Price List

Deadline : 20 days before publication


15th edition: June (4.500 copies)


All prices excluding VAT:


  • 1 full page ad : 2.500€

  • Additional copies: 15€





​The PACKAGE ALL INCLUSIVE gives you a high presence with guaranteed distribution physical and digital.


  • 1 photoshoot

  • 1 Interview

  • 1 translation

  • 2 page articles in Andy

  • 2 page articles in Duke

  • 2 digital push on Linkedin (29k connections)

  • 2 digital push in our newsletter (120k emails)

  • 1 chapter in the book "Decision Makers 2024"

  • 15 copies of the book

  • 1 article in

  • 1 ticket for the LuxembourgOfficial TOP150

  • 1 video in our studio


Price: 9000€ exclu. taxes (instead of 12,1k€ - you save 3,1k€)



The PACKAGE ESSENTIAL+ offers a great price/impact ratio. It delivers guaranteed visibility and focus on digital distribution.


  • 1 photoshoot

  • 1 interview

  • 1 translation 

  • 1 chapter in the book "Decision Makers 2024"

  • 10 copies of the book

  • 1 article in

  • 1 digital pushed on Linkedin (29k connections)

  • 1 digital push in our newsletter (120k emails)

  • 1 video in our studio



Price: 3880€ exclu.taxes




If your company is a start-up or an SME with reasonable needs, we offer the ESSENTIAL PACKAGE.


  • 1 photoshoot

  • 1 interview

  • 1 translation 

  • 1 chapter in the book "Decision Makers 2024"

  • 5 copies of the book

  • 1 article in

  • 1 digital pushed on Linkedin (29k connections)

  • 1 digital push in our newsletter (120k emails)



Price: 2880€ exclu.taxes


General Conditions of Sale



  1. The general conditions below are the only ones applicable to all contracts where BGS Crossmedia Sarl is acting as the vendor, unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing by BGS Crossmedia Sarl. Therefore by agreeing to enter into a contract with BGS Crossmedia Sarl, the client is expressly agreeing to comply with these conditions and undertakes not to use its own or any other conditions, whether general or particular, printed or otherwise, unless they have been agreed in writing by BGS Crossmedia Sarl.




  1. Prices are always stated excluding VAT, unless stated otherwise.

  2. The prices and terms in quotes are not binding on the vendor. Any order is only binding on the vendor after the latter has confirmed it in writing. Sending the invoice may replace the vendor’s written acceptance.

  3. Any quote shall only be valid for one month, unless specified otherwise by the vendor.




  1. Upon placing an order, the purchaser shall make a payment on account of 50%. A small payment merely constitutes a temporary tolerance and in no way changes the duty to make a payment on account of 50%.

  2. Our invoices are payable within eight days. Any invoice not settled on the agreed due date shall automatically incur delay interest at a rate three points above the statutory rate, from the due date until payment in full. Any delay in payment shall result in the cancellation of any agreed reductions.

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