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Event: Associations' gala
Date: Novembre 2023
Location: Cercle Municipal (Place d'Armes)


Partners of the 1st edition

1st edition video



No nonsense


There are many awards in Luxembourg, but most of them are "pay per play" events full of nonsense.


"Black Tie Financial Awards" event goes back to the basics:


1 - A strong charity dimension

2 - A prestigious location: Cercle Municipal

3 - Straight forward awards: Professional associations elect their "Personality of the year" in total transparency and independence.




Driven by associations


Board of Directors

The event is supervised by a "Board of directors". 1 seat is attributed to the Chairman of each association taking part in the "Black Tie Financial Awards". Together, they make sure that each award is attributed in a fair and transparent manner. (1 award per association). They also check that the event is well organised.


Awards governance
Each association participating can elect its "Personality of the year". For example, ATEL will elect the "Treasury Personality of the year". The board of each association will elect the winner of its own award.

It is also possible to elect an "International personality of the year", but only if the winner of the award is attending the event.


Giving back​


During the event, we will proceed to a charity 

We plan to have an auctioneer run the show during the evening in 4 rounds of 3 items.

During the first edition, 32.000€ were donated to association. 

Charities will be chosen by the Board of Directors.


For this edition, the money will be collected onsite. (Cash/credit card/bank transfer) and the money will be donated to the association on the same day.




- Cross-association networking

The vision behind this event is to allow influential financial professionals to network across the whole spectrum: funds, private banking, private equity, compliance, risk, insurance, treasury, legal, etc.

- International lobbying

The International awards is the spectacular setting of "Cercle Municipal" allowing each association to reach out to top decision makers, bring them in  the Grand- Duchy and benefit from the international resonance that the event will create.


Keep it simple


BUDGET (180 person basis)

Location de la salle+Foyer+furniture: 15k

Technique: 14k

Decoration: 8k

Animations: 5k 

Catering: 30k (150€/pers)

Staff: 2k

Awards: 2k

Misc ( insurances, etc ): 4k

Communication (Invitations, website, branding): 5k

Organisation: 5k

Total: 90k€

We can only install 18 tables in this room.

The budget is divided equally between all 18 tables.


Associations do not necessarily have to pay anything, but they are required to guarantee 1 or 2 tables each. That they fill them with their paying members or find a sponsor for the full table at 5k per sponsorship including visibility of the sponsor's logo.


Niccolo Polli (HSBC) & Nasir Zubairi (LHoFT).jpeg



  • 7:00pm: Welcome of participants

  • 8:00pm: Introduction by the chairman of the Board of Directors

  • 8:15pm: Keynote speaker

  • 8.35pm: Charity: round#1

  • 8:45pm: Starters

  • 9.15pm: Charity: round#2

  • 9:25pm: Main course

  • 10:00pm: Award ceremony

  • 10:30pm: Desserts, coffee and networking 

  • 10.45pm: Charity: donation of the money to the association(s)

  • 12:00am: End

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